Friday, October 24, 2014

Down on the Farm - Five for Friday

I love Five for Friday from Doodle Bugs Teaching and am excited to share with you my five!
Last week again started out amazing. My sweet nieces came down to visit. We went to my school's Fall Festival on Friday night and on Saturday we went to the Shrimp Festival at the beach (We didn't last long. It was way too hot to have forgotten our swimsuits!), and then to Wales West Pumpkin Patch Express in Silverhill. If you live around the Gulf Coast and you have kiddos of your own, Wales West is worth a trip. I found out about this place when we started taking our Kinders  to the Polar Arctic Express at Christmas and fell in love. The Pumpkin Express did not disappoint. The girls loved riding the two different trains and going on a hay ride and horse/pony ride. We all had a great time going through the haunted house to get to pick our pumpkins and decorate them. I just wish it wasn't 90 degrees with 90% humidity in OCTOBER!!!

 This week at school we started wrapping up our farm unit with a lot of directed art! We made pigs, hens, chicks, sheep, and my favorite - cows!

We survived our first skating trip yesterday!

Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I spent time with my beautiful friend Haley (and my other bestest friends) as we celebrated Haley's wedding! It was an amazing weekend. Kind of sad it is over. Already missing spending so much time with friends from all over!
 I met the beautiful bride in middle school band. We both played the flute!
What a tough life, drinking coffee, overlooking the gulf in our supper cute matching robes while we get hair and makeup done for the big day!

 So maybe this is cheating on my #5 but it is a big deal to me! I am happy to say after two months of back to back full weekends, the sweet hubby and I are spending a nice quiet weekend cleaning and grocery shopping! Doesn't sound like a ton of fun but not having to be anywhere by any certain until church Sunday is going to be AMAZING!

How are you spending this weekend?

Don't forget to leave some love in the comments and then head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to see what has been going on in different classrooms across the blogosphere!
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  1. I love those cows - so sweet!
    I've nominated you for the Leibster Award - find out more here:

  2. Hi Melissa! I LOVE the cows! I love doing guided drawing with my kinders. Even as you give direction, they all come out so different. Let me be the first to congratulate you on the Liebster! Such a nice thing bloggers do to encourage readers. I'm striving for my 200! And as to your question about the weekend– I wrote up my parent newsletter last night (I usually write it on Saturday morning) so now I am spending lots of time on the Five for Friday linky. I love that Kacey does this, but I don't usually have enough time to go to many. Today I'm taking the time. So much good stuff. So much fun to see what people are up to. I love teachers! See you around! Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

  3. The cows are sooo cute! The Pumpkin Express with your nieces looks fantastic. Which I was closer and could check it out myself. Coffee, overlooking the beach and getting pampered sounds heavenly. But, I totally get being excited about having nothing to "be" at. We have been gone for 3 weekends in a row and today I am spending it holding my couch down and catching up on my blog reading. Enjoy your time with your hubby.

    Luv My Kinders

    1. Laura - being pampered was amazing but so was this weekend just hanging out and clearing out my DVR!


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