I love this time of year! This week we are gearing up for Halloween by learning about Nocturnal and Diurnal animals - aka all things that are "creepy and spooky". These owls are one of my favorite art projects. I love to see how each student interprets the exact same directions!
This guy is a rebel! He is "floating" in the air instead of sitting on a limb!
We discussed one owl that looked like he had ears but really they were just feathers. I love to see what they pick up on!
This one if from one of my OCD kids! He said he could NOT mix the colors! :)

The specialists in my building create a Haunted House and scare the bejeebers out of the kids! We have teachers that dress like zombies, one as the bride of Frankenstein, and I will be the Mad Scientist!
Teachers Are Terrific!
Love the owls. We will be studying them in November. I will have to add this tear art project to our list of things to do. We have a fall dinner/fundraiser the day before Halloween. There are carnival style games and a haunted house. All the families really enjoy it.
Luv My Kinders