I cannot believe it is already Friday! Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining but this week flew by and now we are only one week (and two days) away from Thanksgiving Break! Thank you so much to
Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting such a fun way to share!
Last week we talked about Native Americans and I shared with you some of the cute projects my class and the other K teachers did. However, I left off my favorite project. Our directed art Native Americans. I have done this for years and got it from another teacher friend that has now retired. I am unsure of its origins so if you know, PLEASE let me know where to give the credit!
This is a directed art lesson my teacher neighbor did, she found it on
Learning with Mrs. Parker's Blog.
This week we talked about Pilgrims. We had a lot of fun learning about the Mayflower. We decided we would not have wanted to travel on such a crowded ship for 66 day!
Pilgrim Anchor Chart - in progress
Mayflower Anchor Chart
My across the hall neighbor made this super cute graph!
Love these directed art pilgrims (also from
Learning with Mrs. Parker). I think they turned out super cute!
Liebster Linky
Have you received a Leibster Award? Would you like to check out some amazing teacher blogs that have? The super sweet Kathleen Wright from Kidspeople Classroom has created a place to link up with other Liebster Award blogs. Check out the linky {
Thank you Kathleen for doing such a great service to help connect more bloggers and teachers.
On a personal note:

I just have to take a minute to share what is going on in my personal life. Previously I mentioned that we are selling our house so that we can build a new one. I have been hesitant to say anything on here before for fear of things not working out but I feel led to share. We are getting custody of my beautiful nieces in December!!! My little family of 5 (me, hubs, and 3 fur babies) is growing by two! As much as I love my house and our neighborhood we are going to need more space. I said it before, this is definitely a God thing. Our house has been listed for a little over a week. We had asked our realtor to give us two weeks to spruce things up and get it ready. Well less than 24 hours after we listed the house someone wanted to see it. I was very disappointed when that showing fell through. BUT Tuesday when I was off (and painting a bedroom I should say) we got a call that someone wanted to see the house that day! I had four hours to get my house clean and back together. And although that family picked a different neighborhood, my realtor called the next day to say that she has someone wanting to see the house today. I love how things just keep working themselves out! I am ecstatic! I have never sold a house before so maybe two showing week one is not as great as I think it is but considering we were thinking it would be a much slower start, I couldn't be more pleased. Please continue to pray and/or send positive thoughts our way - every little bit helps!
Also, any house selling tips are appreciated - just leave a comment below!
What has been going on in your classroom / life this week? Leave a comment and head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to link up and read about other amazing teachers!
Your nieces are beautiful and so lucky to have you. Enjoy every day with them :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on getting custody of your nieces! They are lucky girls! My husband and I were foster parents when we lived in the US and both of our children are adopted from foster care. We cared for many children who ended up being able to be placed with family. Always an answer to prayer to have family step forward to care for them. I will definitely keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck to you. It's going to be challenging but the most rewarding time in so many ways. I've been through the house showing phase too. I had 4 kids ages 4 and under at the time too. Just do the best you can, leave all the lights on, and I always lit a scented candle or made a quick batch of cookies to make the house smell good.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
Joya :)
Thanks so much for sharing your personal story. The girls are so lucky to have you! We recently just sold our home. Two great pieces of advice passed onto us were to remove anything personal from the viewing area (photos, momentos, etc.) as the new family needs to envision it as their own home. Another great tip was to turn on every light in the house to make it nice and bright =) Good luck to you!
Your directed drawings look amazing! I'd love to hear more about how you do them with your kinders. As for selling tips, I have to say I'm not of much help, but I do wish you and your family the best of luck with everything. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. I believe that things always have a way of working themselves out. :)
Lattes and Lunchrooms
Hey Melissa! First, the Pilgrims- too cute. My daughter taught her firsties about pilgrims this week and had them write why they would or would not want to be a Pilgrim. One little guy wrote," I would not want to be a Pilgrim because they didn't have Legos!" Then, your nieces! I am so excited that this is working out for you to bring them into your home. I know how much you love them and they are lucky little girls to be with you. I know your house will sell soon and you guys can get busy being a family of 7!
Teachers Are Terrific!
Your anchor charts are fantastic! I love Mrs. Parker's blog too- such great ideas!
It seems to be Leibster Award season or something because I've been nominated a few times in the past few weeks. Good luck selling your house. I've never sold a house, so I don't have any good tips for you, but I will have my fingers crossed.
Teaching In A Nutshell
Wow! I found your blog through 5 for Friday and it's so lovely!!! I've never heard of directed drawings before...how do you do them? Also, I've said a prayer for you as you prepare to sell your house and for your nieces to move in with you. I've never sold a house, but I just bought one, and I was definitely drawn to the houses that didn't have a lot of clutter. It made it easier to visualize my stuff in the house. Good luck with it all!
Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel
Love the Pilgrim drawings, they are just sooo cute! Congrats on getting custody of your beautiful nieces! I couldn't be happier for you. You always post all the great fun you are having with them and now you will get to experience that everyday! However, as a mother of 3 boys there are those trying days too...lol. I think your off to a great start selling your home. Prayers for a quick sell. Thanks for sharing all your great news!
Luv My Kinders